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feeding my snake

22 15:26:31

I recently moved my Hog Island Boa Constrictor from a small terrarium to a significantly bigger terrarium and I noticed that she would not eat. I would leave appropriate sized mice in her cage with food for them in case they got hungry, but she would not eat the mice. recently I had left one rat in the cage and I left food for it, but it was not enough so the rat unfortunately attacked her and she had recieved a wound from the attack, but it has since healed. Every time I have tried to feed her since it seems as though she is scared of the food I buy for her, I have even tried buying smaller size mice. It has been a long time since she has eaten and I am worried she will become ill if she does not eat soon. I do have the appropriate heating for her and I have even moved her back into her small terrarium, which is a little more suitale for her size. I would like to know if you have any inquiries as to why she is not eating, or if you have any tips on how to get her to eat.

I would be worried about an underlying infection IF the boa was not treated by a vet.  Because of their slow metabolism infection works very differently in snakes.  If you can rule that out you might try frozen thawed food.  And if that doesn't work force-feeding might be needed.  How long has it been since it ate?