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Kingsnake Sneezing

22 15:32:45

My kingsnake sneezes occasionally. Maybe a few times a week. even when the house is around 78-80 he prefers his water bowl and not his hide, so i assume he must like it quite cool. I have never seen a reason to get him a pad or lamp; hes a temperate snake and has always shied away from any heat source before. I've checked for bubbling, cracking/popping, wheezing which i know can be associated with resp. infections, but he has no other symptom than the occasional three-part sneeze maybe once a week. hes healthy, just got out of mating season (he was nutter) eats and sheds regularly. aspen bedding.

anything to worry about?

What kind of king snake is it?  If it's a California King or another from a warm area like that I would say bump your temps up a tad.  Aspen bedding is usually good for a substrate but can sometimes be a bit dusty.  That dust could cause some sneezing.  I would keep a close eye on him and if there is any sign of liquid, bubbles, mucous, etc. in the mouth have him checked for a respiratory infection.