Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Can a corn snake kill me ?

Can a corn snake kill me ?

22 15:37:01

i know this sounds a weird question to ask. I am 3 days away from getting my first corn snake, and my mum and i watched a documentry and as corn snakes constrict their meal, my mum was was worried that maybe out of fear the corn snake could coil its body around my neck! i was sure that it wouldnt strangle me to death but i would like a answer from a expert. She has only queried this beacause a man was playing with his python and it got scared and coiled its self around him and killed him! So please can you tell me if a corn snake could potenitally kill me if it was frightened ? Thank you!

Hi Sofia
No...a cornsnake can NOT kill you.  Even if for some strange reason it were to coil around your would not be strong enough to kill you.  Corn snakes are one of the best snakes for beginners to have as pets.  They don't get very large like a python.  Obviously snakes that large can kill a person.  But small snakes such as cornsnakes and kingsnakes are gentle.