Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > hopefully you can help me...

hopefully you can help me...

22 15:32:24

I am a first time snake owner and I've had my ball python for almost 2 months now and he has been doing great he just shed his skin and i brought him a mouse today because its been almost 2 weeks since he's eaten and for some reason after he constricted the mouse he started eating some of the sand that is in his tank? Is this normal? He has never done anything like this until today... so I'm very concerned about that... if you can help me i would appreciate it very much... thank you again!!


Hello Sarah,

For starters you should not have sand in the tank. This is not a good substarte for ball pythons. The best is aspen bedding without oil.

If you leave leave the sand in the tank there is a good chance your snake will ingest to much sand and it will block its digestive track up.

Hope this helps

Eric Rovegno