Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Rosy boa not eating for 4 weeks

Rosy boa not eating for 4 weeks

22 15:36:17

I have had a proven breeder male rosy boa a little while ago and it fine when I got it.  Now, its been 4 weeks. I know snakes can go a long time without eating but i want to hibernate my snake this winter. Its coming up qick and i dont want to hibernate it on an empty stomach. What should I do? help me please!

He might have already gone into brumation mode with the not eating. Snakes seem to vary when they start this. You do have the option of force feeding him, though I usually do not recommend this unless it is a last resort. If you feed him frozen food, make sure you are keeping them as warm as possible when feeding. Other than can get him tube fed at a reptile vet (get him a checkup first to make sure nothing else might be amiss) to get something in his stomach for the brumation.