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Corn Snake Regurgitating

22 15:32:32

I recently purchased my first snake about 3 weeks ago.
He ate the first meal fine. Then the 2nd meal with he regurgitated about half I the pinkie back up, the hind legs and tail. I waited about 5 days, fed him again then the same as the 2nd meal about 48 hours later regurgitated th pinkie again, this time it was almost the whole thing though. My snake is about 15 to 16 inches long, and the first pinkie was smaller then the second two, but I'm not sure if the size was the problem. I've been using a 50 wat day bulb and a undertank heating pad on the warm side. I think now the reason for him regurgitating the 3rd meal is I didn't wait long enough after the 2nd meal. So this time I will wait about a week, before I try to re-feed him. My warm side of the tank has been around 82-83f while the cool side is 77-78, also I have been waiting 3 days after feedings before handling. If you have any suggestions that would help me out I'm all ears, thanks alot.

Your temps are fine. After a snake regurgitates you must give it 10 days before feeding it again. Otherwise it will likely do the same thing. The next time, feed it as small a food item as possible. Make sure it has a hide box on both the warm and cool end of the tank, and don't handle it or bother it for 3-4 days after feeding. If it still regurgitates, you can buy a powder called NutriBac (try and coat the pinkie in it (again, after waiting 10 days). It contains supplements that will help the snake digest the meal. You can use it on your next feeding if you can find it in time. Lastly, I should also tell you that some snakes just don't do well and are somewhat programmed to die. They never eat well and in the end don't make it. Most private breeders don't sell snakes until they are established feeders. However, many pet stores will sell animals before they are feeding well. So what I'm trying to say is that if it came with a health guarantee and it regurges again, don't be afraid to ask for your money back.