Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Please help my poorly milk snake!

Please help my poorly milk snake!

22 15:37:03

Hi! I have a sinaloan milk snake.Shes about 3ft and is usually in very good health until yesterday when she started to have a problem with her mouth. when she raises her head one side of her mouth seems to drop open as if numb! She has no other signs of an injury and I have checked her mouth for signs of mouth rot but it all seems clear! Please could you give me any idea of what is wrong and how to help her? Thank you! Lex & Georgie

Hi Lex  I am so sorry to hear about your milk snake.  Sinaloans are very beautiful snakes.  I would love to have one myself.  The problem you are describing could be a couple of things. I would really need to see her to give my opinion. There is a possibility her jaw is un-aligned and she is having trouble getting it back in place.  There is also the possibility she has a respiratory infection as snakes will open their mouths for air with their heads up.  Watch her for another couple of days.  If she is still showing signs of this problem the best thing you can do is take her to a Veterinarian.  Please keep me posted on her and how she is doing. Good luck and thanks for writing.