Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > help please!!!

help please!!!

22 15:37:57

I received a baby corn snake from my teacher (she's now in a 10 gal. tank). she's a bit smaller than her relaties (well, ALOT smaller...) and she won't eat the pinkie. my teacher didn't tell me when she last ate, and I'm worried. I don't know what to me, please!


Give her at least a week before feeding to settle in. You shouldnt handle her until she starts eating regularly as hatchlings are very easily stressed. Make sure the temperature in the tank is correct, it should be about 85 f in the hot end and 75 f in the cool end of the tank. Make sure she has plenty of places to hide in her tank. When feeding her make sure she isn't on wood chips or she could swallow a piece and die. Kitchen roll substrate is safer. Dont handle for about 3 days after eating or she may regurgitate the food. Baby corns are very prone to stress and if your temperatures are correct then this is probably why she wont eat. Try what I have said and if she still doesnt eat let me know. good luck