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Breeding Milk Snakes

22 15:26:46

I am thinking of breeding milk snakes next year, i have one female and am hoping to purchase a male around the same age and with similar markings. However i have no experience in breeding and only have knowledge from the Internet... would you recommend that i get experience from else where before i begin if so, what else can i do to gain experience. And could you give me any information on the steps to take.
Thank you  

I think the best experience is experience!  Of course you'll need a book on the breeding process and then some info on egg husbandry, but, speaking from experience, it's not all that difficult.  Cool them w/o food for 2 months starting in Dec. with milks they can drop down into the 60's or even the 50's depending on species.  After 2 months pull them out, warm them up, FEED them, and then watch for her first shed.  As soon as she sheds put him in the cage with her.  That's usually all it takes.  30 days later (10 days after the next shed) eggs!  Incubate at or below 88F and 60 days after that babies.  Good Luck!