Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Kingsnake


22 15:36:51

A kingsnake that i am looking after for someone vomited 3 whole mice on the first day we took charge of it and now 8 days later it will not eat again is this ok, we were told it would eat once a week no problem.

When a snake vomits a mouse, you should not feed it again for about 10 days. This is because it loses a lot of it's stomach acid when it pukes. Feeding it within 10 days will make the problem even worse. Now, since you fed it 3 times in one day, I would wait more like 14 days.
Next, the reason why it puked. Either you fed it a mouse that was too large (should only make a slight bulge in the snake after being eaten), or you held it before it had a chance to digest (at least a day), or you didn't have it's cage temp warm enough on one end (about 84 degrees), or it's sick. If the person that you got it from said that it was eating ok before, then I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and wait the 14 days and try again. Also, next time feed it a smaller mouse even if it's capable of a larger one. In other words, give him something small enough that he shouldn't puke. If he still does, and your cage temps are ok and you aren't handling him, then you might want to see a vet.
Good luck!