Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > my royal python wont eat

my royal python wont eat

22 15:27:03

My royal python is a year old,I never had a problem with her eatting.She always took her offerings.But i missed feeding her one week,and now she wont eat.She is not shedding she did so a couple of weeks ago.Im very worried,she is my baby.

Hi Patricia,

Royal pythons are often fussy eaters and will go off food from time to time. its usually nothing to worry about unless your snake goes without food for several months or starts to lose weight. the most common cause of innapetance is incorrect temperatures which often occur due to the cold weather at winter time. check your temperatures they should be 82-84F in the middle with a hot and cool spot.

i hope this helps,
