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MItes and cold

22 15:30:26

HI how are, i know tons of people must have asked you about mites and snakes so ill do my research.
But i ve seen that it is very hard to get rid of them, and i saw on some way that u can kill them with heat.
Well i cant used heat, but i live in montreal and its about -20 outside.
Do u think taht if i left the tank outside it will kill the mites and its effign eggs and everything taht comes with them?
thank you!

Hi Andres,

Since mites are living animals, if the tank is left outside for long enough, the cold should eventually freeze them and kill them although ive never tried it myself!

the best way to get rid of them is to thoroughly scrub the tank with a diluted disinfectant. if you do this be sure to dry the tank again before you return your snake.

i hope this helps,
