Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > what kind of garter is this

what kind of garter is this

22 15:20:06

I found a snake today I know it a garter but was trying to find out actual type.. it looks like some of pics of a red sided garter ??? Ones from Manitoba not the California... I've tried to attach a few pics if by chance they don't come thru please email me so I can resend em
thank you

Most species will be found from parts of alaska that are warmer all the way to central and south US. They are pretty much all over and due to people having some as pets etc. They have been released in many other states and are starting to become a new species there as well. The pics did not come through, you can send them again but I would say if it looks similar to the pic then it probably is a red garter.