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pregnant california kingsnake

22 15:30:20

QUESTION: i have a pair of california king snakes and one of them is pregnant, since she become pregnant the male has been fighting with her quite often, i have noticed she now has quite a few very large fang marks all over her and she has stopped moving she only moves her head every now and then to feed. i am worried because she is normally a very active snake, she is in her 5th week of pregnancy is she not moving because she ls late in pregnancy or is she dying please answer as im very very worried

ANSWER: You need to separate those snakes TODAY!  GO get another container ASAP and remove the male from the cage.  If my memory serves Cal Kings are only pregnant for 30 days before they lay so she may be in trouble already.  King snakes should only be together for a few WELL SUPERVISED hours for breeding purposes.  They should be kept in separate containers at all other times.  KING SNAKES EAT SNAKES!!!!  Including other king snakes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have had my pair of king snakes for quite a few months. i got them off a friend, and he brought them off someone as a pair. they are happy most of the time and seem 2 love each other very much, is there a need to seperate them

OK, snakes are simply not smart enough to "love" anything.  You are anthropomorphizing your animals.  Snakes are solitary creatures and these snakes would only come together to breed, period.  

The reason you wrote me is because: "i have noticed she now has quite a few very large fang marks all over her ," that doesn't sound like SHE is very happy...

You have been lucky so far, but keep them together if you like.  One of two things will happen, she will either die from the all the bites he's giving her and you will have to dispose of her OR he will actually eat her and you will have one VERY fat snake instead of two.