Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > i have a couple ?s about my black blood pythons problem

i have a couple ?s about my black blood pythons problem

22 15:26:48

ok i have a baby black blood python he was born in june or july of 09 and he opens his mouth alot and wheezes really loud here and there so i am pretty positive he has a upper respirtory infection.ive had him for around 3 weeks. i live in bluffton indiana and i don't know of and cant find any vets around here at all that know about snakes. do you know of any ways or anythang i can get to help him with this problem. i really don't want him to die and don't know what to do? and also he shedded in pieces instead of a a whole and i even mist him all the time and give him baths in warm water. any help you can provide would be great.thanks

Ahhh blood pythons....  OK, here's what I recommend.  Get the temp in the cage up to AT LEAST 85F.  88-89 even better.  And create a hide box with VERY WET spagnum moss in the bottom-standing water even is ok.  They like it hot and wet.  Humidity should never be below 85% IMHO

If the URI doesn't clear in 2-3 days contact any vet and ask for help.  The antibiotic you need is called Amikacine do not let them use Baytril (IMHO) it doesn't not work on bloods.  Barely works on pythons at all.  

Good Luck!