Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Not eating

Not eating

22 15:31:25

My ball python has been eating once a week just fine. I put a mouse in this morning and the snake has not touched it all day. Im not sure what to do or if its not going to eat, where to put the mouse?

Hi Nikki,

This is the big and only real problem with ball pythons... they can be very temperamental feeders.

missing a single weeks food is not a problem at all for your snake, it will be fine. you dont need to worry unless your snake doesnt eat for over 10 weeks or it starts to lose weight noticably.

if you feed thawed mice you can try heating it up if you dont already, as this better mimics a living mouse. best way to do this is to boil some water and fill a small plastic tub with it. place the mouse on the lid of the tub and leave it to warm up to just over body temperature.

otherwise just feed it again as normal next week and hopefully it will eat.

i hope this helps,
