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Red-tail boa: Threw up....

22 15:30:29

My red-tail boa is about 6mo and has been eating either 2 pinkies or 1 fuzzy every 10 days.  He was bred in captivity and I purchased him directly from the breeder that deals with the pet store I work for.  I use the snake aspen, but I've recenly been told about this coconut fiber substrate that I'm going to slowly switch him over to. I have an under tank heating pad that sticks to the bottom and I check the inside bottom of the glass and the snakes temp to make sure he's warm enough and not over heating.  He's never had a problem with eating or anything until yesterday morning.  The night before I fed him a fuzzy and he at it within a couple minutes. He was acting normal afterwards and even the following morning when I checked on him before going to class. When I came back from class that afternoon, the fuzzy was in his water bowl.  Still whole, but the bones where crushed and it was shaped like a torpedo.  Anyways, my snake still acts hungry, I just don't know why he did that.  Is he ok or should I get him checked out?  Why would he throw up his food?

Hey Thomas,

Are you sure it is not just his poop in the water bowl. Snakes love to poop in the water bowl. The water make it easier coming out.

If it is a regurgitation you should check your temps and humidity levels. If these are off it can cause this problem.

When feeding your snake make sure the prey item is equal to the mid boby girth of your snake.
