Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > My snake wont eat!

My snake wont eat!

22 15:21:04

QUESTION: i have a baby ball python that ate 2weeks after I got her......and it has been 2 weeks since she ate that last mouse... i feed her small frozen pinkies....i put a mouse in at 3 yesterday and she did not eat, instead she tore it in half....UCK......what do i do about her not eating?

ANSWER: Emma, how long is the snake?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the snake is two months old, i haven't noticed how long she really is, but i estimate the length of your forearm...
i've asked another sight, and some replies were:
~give it live mice. although I'm afraid that if I do that she will see my hand as food when I go into get her.
~give her picky rats instead, still frozen. although i tried just giving her a fuzzy and she wouldn't eat that either. so i don't know if she would eat a bigger mouse.
~give her live and slowly make your way towards frozen... I don't know how I feel about that though!
   Help me out?

Assuming the snake is 24" long, he has roughly 2 month of not eating until he enters the danger zone. Sometimes, stimulating them with a rat instead of a mouse will make them feed, although BPs are notorious for not eating. Keep thawing out prey and putting it in a hide box with her overnight. Do this weekly for the next month. If the snake has not eaten in that time frame, take it to the vet.