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is she ill?

22 15:33:43

I've had my royal python (female) for about 6 weeks, and got her when she was 6 months old.
She is feeding fine, (pre killed rat pup) once a week.

Her skin is a little saggy, so the guy we got her from suggested we bathe her every couple of days, as she was probably dehydrated.
When she had been in the water for about 10 mins, she defecated, even though she had only done it about a week before (I should add, I had bathed her before this).
She defecated again (in her tank) the night before last, and so I took her out to bathe her again last night. She wasn't pleased with it this time (she liked it last time) and released what looked like urine.
I'm worried, as I was under the impression that snakes should only defecate every four weeks at most...?

Hey Natalie

The normal time for snakes to go to the bathroom should be between 1 week to 3 weeks. I expect a deposit of urea (The urine) once a week, and a feces every 2-2.5 weeks. However, when snakes stress out they will go to the bathroom regardless of when they went last. I had a banana corn that until he calmed down, peed all over me every time I took him out on a daily basis. He finally realized I wasn't going to eat him, and stopped. This is a new experience for your ball, so she is responding in classic snake fashion. Don't worry about it, just keep up the normal routine and she should stop in a little while.