Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > can i feed my corn snake egg whites?

can i feed my corn snake egg whites?

22 15:26:24

QUESTION: I have a corn snake who recently recovered from a respiratory infection.  It has been almost three weeks since I have discontinued his medication, but he has not eaten.  The total time that he has not eaten is nearly a month.  My question is, in an attempt to jump start his feeding response, can I feed him egg whites from regular store bought eggs?

   I would stick to rodents. Try a supervised live feeding to stimulate her to strike.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have sir, but he still didn't eat.  What else could I do?  Plus I don't want to force feed him b/c he might throw it back up.

In my 20 years, I have killed more snakes trying to force feed them than anything else (to the point where now I will not try to do it). If your corn is over 2', he can go 2 or 3 months without eating. I would stick to trying live rodents including hamsters, etc... until you get a feeding response. If your snake goes more than 3 months without eating, see an exotic animal vet.