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How to tell if a kenyan sand boa is pregnant

22 15:31:11

Last July I bought a pair of Kenyan sand boas locally from some people. They were both 3 years old and feeding on two pinkeys a month. The female weighed only 136 grams, so i started feeding her good sized hoppers weekly and her weight quickly jumped up to 200 grams in October. And it stayed at 200 grams for a little while and now she is gaining about 10 grams a week and is around 300 grams. I have kept the two sand boas together since I got them and haven't seen them mate at all, but how can I tell if she is pregnant, because she is getting some mass to her?

Hello Steve,

Sand boas will get up to around two pounds in weight. That is about 900 grams. She is probably just growing. Sand boas usually get to a certain age and then they start gaining allot of weigh very quickly.
This weight is usually in the girth of their body. Females can become sexually mature around 160+ grams

A female that is gravid will spend a lot of time around the warmest part of her tank. They will often refuse food or only accept small food items or even regurgitate food items that are too large. They may even become a little more aggressive and will tend to bite when disturbed. Females will also become very distended along the last half of her body and this is the part of the body she will often place on the heating pad. When you notice these sign you should be extra careful with the temps of a heat pad. The temps should be around 90-95 degree.

Good luck,
Eric Rovegno