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Snakes behavior

22 15:27:11

I got my ball python a couple years ago and had no problems with handling him. After I moved to college I was unable to take him with me, so I left him with my two sisters. Unfortunately they very rarely handled him over the year I was gone and he has now developed a knack for biting me if I hold him. I was able to take him with me this year and was wondering if he will eventually get used to be handled again or if this is his new permanent temperament. Can I expect a change in behavior?

Hi Samantha,

his behaviour has changed and therefore can be changed back. it may take some time and persistance from you ensuring that you start handling him little and often until he starts to become less grumpy. at which point gradually increase the handling time.

royal pythons are generally well tempered snakes and virtually all royals can be made to be tame.

i hope this helps,
