Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Bottom half of ball python is swollen...

Bottom half of ball python is swollen...

22 15:30:27

I have had my ball python for almost a year now, and begginning she stopped eating. So I took her to the vet and found out she had pseudomonia, e-coli and a yeast infection. I gave her all her shots and medicine dosages required, and she seemed to be back to perfect health. Well a few days ago, I noticed that the bottom half of her bottom was swollen. It was perfectly normal before I fed her... Do you have any idea what could be wrong with her? She is the most perfect and gentle snake I could ever ask for and I was just be devastated if she got sick again. Please help me. Thank you.

Hi Alycia,

It is hard to say. A few thing to consider.

How old is she? If she is around three there is a chance she is ready to breed.

Are you sure the yeast infection was cured?

What are you feeding her? Frozen thawed or live? Live is better, personal opinion, but there is to great a chance of to much heat or still frozen.

Is there a heat rock or heat lamp that is accessible to her? Meaning can she touch it. This could burn her.

Bring her back to the vet and have them look.
