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asp viper

22 15:36:14

what is the asp vipers habitat?
What does it eat?
What kind of ecosystem does it live in?

From Wikipedia:
"This species has a few clearly defined and relatively specific habitat requirements. It needs warm areas that are exposed to the sun, structured vegetation and comparatively dry soils. In Italy and France, it is often found in areas with low mountains or hills, notably in limestone regions, but sometimes occurs in lower plains. It has a preference for vegetated areas or environments with at least some cover. Here it can be found on sunny slopes, on scrublands, in glades, in mountain meadows, forest clearings, at the borders of woods, in rubbish dumps and in stone quarries. In Italy, it occurs in mesic chestnut/oak woodlands and often near streams. Although it is not really associated with high altitudes, in the Pyrenees it has been found at well over 2,100 m above sea level. "

Prey is mostly small mammals. Ecosystem-wise, temperate forests.