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General Housing for Boas & Pythons.

22 15:37:14

I have a snake enclosure That My boyfirend and I built. It is 5' Tall, 4' wide and about 2'deep. 2 wooden corner shelves on the left side and on large corner shelf on the right side. A piec of drift wood leading up from the floor to the shelf on the right side. A branch in the top on the right side suspended by a chain and screwed in the the wall. There is a make shift 18" X 18" X 9" deep pond in the bottom with filter included. UV/blacklight on the left side mounted in the roof box above main enclosure area with a scree over it and on the right side is a day light. all on individual switches. Has 2 full hieght and width screen doors on the front for ventilation. We've had a Ball python about 2 feet long, a Dumerils boa about 3 feet long and 5 foot red tailed boa living in here for about 6 months. The all get along, sometimes the hangout together on the same shelf for days and other times the seperate into different areas depending on tempature and humidity of the day. We have recently acquired a nearly 8 foot burmease python. He is currently house with them the still seem to all be getting along. He's hangin out on a shelf with the redtail, and the smaller too seem to be hiding. The dumerils in the bottom with humidity and the ball python is under a rock on a lower shelf. I personally think its too crowded now in the enclosure. My boyfriend thinks they are fine. I have read a good bit of your Q's and A's I know you say that boa's and pythons should be housed seperately according to there habitats and needs. This enclosure is a european style and does a cover a range of the temp and humidity needs. I'm just worried about the crowding situationa and would like your opinion.

Hi Shannon
Everything sounded "Just Right" to me until you mentioned that you added an 8 foot burmese python :-)  He can almost have the entire cage system to himself!  So to answer your question..."Yes" it is too crowded at this point.  Also...sounds to me like you have one heck of a Hilton Hotel there for your snakes. I would love to see pictures. Take care and thanks for writing.