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corn snake isnt eating, seems sick

22 15:30:10

We are new snake owners, and have a baby cornsnake we bought in Dec.  Corny is about 5 months old now.  My son (11) loves him very much!
Anyway, without warning, we found mites on him.  It took over a week to rid him of them with baths, cleanings, and mite medication.  Since then, his skin seems milky like he should be shedding, but he's done that since starting the treatments.  
Now his eyes look like they're dried up, and I think he can't see!  He seems dehydrated, and Ryan (son) told me that he hadn't seen Corny drink for a week.  So, we have been taking him out and putting him into warmish water, and then he drinks and drinks.  
Now, he isn't eating (it's only been 6 days since his last pinky), but he's never missed a feeding yet!
I'm concerned about his eyes first and foremost.  Did those horrible mites suck out his eyes?  Is he blind?  Could it actually be old skin that might not have shed?  
Thanks,  Dawn and Ryan

Hi Dawn
  Mites are a terrible problem and the devil to get rid of. I currently keep 20 snakes and I am always battling them. I do not think he is blind. Mites seem to congregate around the eyes for some reason. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Keeping the snake hydrated is the most important thing. Do this by continuing to soak him 2 or 3 times daily.

You will be surprised by how long a snake can go without eating, as long as they are hydrated, they will be okay. Keep trying to feed him each day. He is small at 5 months, so I would not let him go more than 3 weeks without eating. Put mineral oil or triple antibiotic ointment on both is eyes 2X per day. This will not harm the snake. Do not try to remove any retained eye caps. I would also increase the humidity by misting him 2 or 3 times per day. Keep doing what you are doing and he should be fine.