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corn snakes and guinea pigs

22 15:36:26

Dear Paul, this may be out of your field, I have tried to ask the same question
of the guinea pig experts but with no joy. My daughter has two guinea pigs
and also a young corn snake. So far we have managed to keep them on
different floors but a change in circumstances means it would be a lot easier
if they were able to live in the same room. Do you know whether the snake
odour is likely to disturb the guinea pigs. I thought it best to ask before
trying as I do not want them upset if they will imagine they are about to be
eaten by giant reptiles or any such thing.  Hope
you can help, many thanks, Charlotte.

I think it would be fine to keep them in the same room. I don't think the snake odor would bother the GPs, but, the snake may get excited by the GP odor. I know that when I that out rodents for my snakes, they KNOW that food is coming even before I offer it. Many get slightly aggressive and are ready to pounce before the food hits their cages. My point is that your corn snake might be put in this state all the time, making it more likely to bite. I doubt that this would happen since it would be exposed to the odor all of the time, but it's possible. I would try it and just be careful when you go to handle the snake.