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young python snake

22 15:30:04

My snake seems to be starting to shed but its been couple of weeks now and im getting concerned . I was told he needs more humity in the tank. How do i go about that. Or should i bring him to a vet. please help. I love my snake Dorothy

The easiest thing to do to help your snake to shed is to get a container that your snake can easily fit into. I usually use something like a margarine or "cool whip" container, but you want the size to be able to fit the snake comfortably. Cut a hole in the side large enough for the snake to fit through. Fill the container about half full with either sphagnum moss, or even paper towels. Make sure that the moss / paper towels are damp but not soaking wet, then put the cover on the container if it has one. Place on the cooler end of your snake cage. The snake will seek out this cool, damp area when it needs to shed.