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Albino corn snake not pooping!!

22 15:36:58

I purchased a small(~10-12in)albino corn snake from LPS 15 days ago. He appears healthy and is active. He has eaten three times (small frozen pinkie mice)since we brought him home (with no problems). BUT he has yet to poop... I called the store after the second feeding and they dismissed my concern, saying it is not an issue. My concern is increasing day by day. Should I take him to a Vet or stop worrying? Any advice is greatly appreciated.  FYI: His home is 40gal breeder, 1 red heat lamp 40W and one white day lamp40W(on same side of tank), large water bowl, aspen substrate, temp around 80 on warm side, with plenty of hiding on both sides of tank.

Hi Nik
To go almost three weeks without defecating is not unusual at all. This does not mean that your snake is constipated. I will suggest that you increase the heating in your tank a bit. Cornsnakes need a warm side of between 83 and 87 degrees F and a cooler side of between 78 and 82 degrees.  You will also want a hide of some sort on both sides, and the water bowl will be placed on the cooler side. Your cage is plenty big enough which is great :-) Snakes store waste for periods of time, so don't think that every time you feed your snake it should defecate. Snakes don't have the metabolism of mammals (cold blooded). That's not how their systems operate. Hope this helped and thanks for writing :-)