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bumps on my cornsnake

22 15:37:22

I just bought a babt corn snake. I noticed that he  has several small hard lumbs along his spine, about 6 or 7. Also when he slithers he is not flat on the ground his spine is sort of arched upwards. I have 6 other cornsnkaes and have never seen anything like this befor and i was just wondering if you knew what it was?  

This sounds like a genetic defect. You will never be able to use this snake for breeding or it may kill it or pass this on. If it was my snake I would take it to a reptile vet for x-rays as this sounds very serious, I have heard of a case of this when all the vertebrae of the spine merged together and the snake couldnt move. You need the x-rays to make sure that eating will not cause any problems for this snake. Some snakes with this problem unfortunately have to be euthanised when they can no longer move or eat as they have no quality of life. I would contact the people you got the snake from and see if they will help you out with vets bills. I hope its good news for you. Take care