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Ball not eating

22 15:36:35

Hi I have had my ball a little over 7 months he has always been a good eater eating 2 mice a week sometimes 1 when shedding,the last 2 weeks he has not ate and didn't take the food today he has always been fed in a seperate box,today when he din't eat I put it at his den enterance and he has been out several times smelling it but has not ate it is this normal and what could cause this?Can the change in weather do it it has started to become cooler now that fall is coming.I am realy getting worried I have never had a problem with him eating,One more thing we got a red tail(female)about a month ago also but have been very careful not to handle them in the same day because of the risk of disease spred.He is stil active and seems fine other than than eating,he's climbing alot also very active!Realy appreciate any imfo or advice thank you!

Hi Karri
I receive many questions on why their ball pythons are not eating normally and as often.  First, ball pythons are notorious for being finicky eaters.  It is normal.  In fact, a month without eating is nothing to worry about in a ball python. No need to worry as of this time.  Some snakes can go up to four months without eating less for younger ones. I have a kingsnake that went almost 6 months before she ate again and is one of my top breeders!    Just keep offering him food once a week for the next month. If he looks healthy, has the proper heating/water and is fairly active he will be fine and eat on his own time. It is true that Fall is right around the corner.  Your snakes instinct will kick in and the urge to store up fat for the winter will cause him to want to eat less. So be prepared during the winter months for less eating  Keep me posted.  Take care.