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Eating troubles

22 15:20:46

Hi. I have a columbian rainbow Boa and up until the past couple weeks she has been a good eater. Eating small rats. But she has been seeming less and less interested in thebprey and I can't seem to figure out why. She does end up eating but for her last feed I had to feed her a mouse bc she wSnt going for the rat. And even then it took her about an hour tobeven go for it

Zak,  I need a little more info from you. How big is long have you had her or her approximate age. NEVER leave a rat in her tank are asking for trouble if she gets bit she may get infection or a snake that stresses and goes off feed. Until I know how big she is and how often you are feeding her I can't answer this question. So get back to me ASAP. Do not worry about her going off feed sometimes they do it for months and they are fine. You are not in an ER situation at the moment. TTY soon, Tina