Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Regurgitating


22 15:31:25

Hi,  I have a corn snake who is 4 months old. he is very friendly and handles wel, also he has always fed well. on tuesday i fed him and he took them well, on thursday i noticed what i thought was poo, i went to tae it out and it smelt terrible, i looked more closely and see that it was actually a half digested pinkie, i too a look at my snake and noticed that he was getting ready for his sluff, i am very worried as to why he would have regurgitated his dinner? please can you advise. Karen.

Hi Karen,

It could be a fluke thing. Snakes get frightened some times by pets, rodents outside their tank, people walking by, music, the TV and so fourth.

You shouldn't worry about it. I am sure he is just fine. Have you thought about using fuzzies instead of pinkies? I start my baby ball pythons out with fuzzies. Just a suggestion..

Hope this helps,
Eric Rovegno