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Blood python-not eating

22 15:30:55

My daughter's blood python won't eat. It regurgitated its last rat about 3 weeks ago and we assumed that it may have been stressed from some construction work being done on the room it is kept in. Also the workers left a window open at the end of the day and the temp. dropped pretty low in the room overnight. The snake seemed lethargic so we moved her to a quieter environment and waited several days for the stress to seem to settle. We tried feeding another rat to it but the snake refused to eat. We waited another week and put in another rat but the python still refuses. What should we do now? she hasn't eaten in nearly 3 weeks.

Hello Ed,

You should not worry to much. It is not uncommon for a snake to go for months without eating.

Depending on how old she is, the window being left open could have triggered her breeding mode. The cold temp is what triggers their breeding instinct. This all depends on her age and size though.

I had a hatchling that did not eat for about a month and a half. They are very touchy animals and any little changes in temp humidity or even the noise level in a room can cause fasting.

Just continue to try to feed her every week. If she does not take and starts to lose drastic amounts of weight it may be time to intervene. Just don't jump the gun.

Hope this helps,