Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > prairie king

prairie king

22 15:33:02

Can you breed a prairie king with a different type of king or does it have to be a king and how do i check the sex of my king.  Thanks

Hey Kelly

This would best be answered by a kingsnake breeder. I am not sure myself as there as so many different kinds. Try to track one down at a reptile show or through your local reptile shop.

You can get your snake probed at your reptile vet. They will insert a blunted probe into the cloaca and see how far it goes in. If it is female then it will only go in a few scale. If it is male, then it will go into the cavity where the hemi-penis' are and go much further. Make sure a professional does this for you; if it is done incorrectly it can damage your snake.