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snake sizes

22 15:37:44

What is the smallest breed of snake that you can keep as a pet?
Can you teach a snake tricks?

No you can't teach a snake tricks, they can't hear the way we do, they hear through "vibrations" and their eye sight is very poor so they wouldnt be any good at tricks! Snakes require their environmental conditions to be just right or else they can get sick and die. Garter snakes are quite small but need live fish to eat and need the correct environment. Corn snakes are ideal beginners snakes although some of them can grow to 5 foot, its not that usual. They are a good width and do not pose a threat to humans like a small python may do. Pythons are very strong as even though some species are small, they are very think and have a lot of muscle and can be dangerous if placed around someone's neck!