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Feedin habits of a 2 mth old Western Hognose

22 15:20:25

Good Morning Kevin,

Noser my Western Hognose is now 2 months, how often & how much should he be eating. I currently feed him 1 pinky once every 6th day which does leave a noticable bulge but by the next day it's gone, should he be feed 2 pinkies or should he now be on fuzzies?

   Regardless of pinky or fuzzy, the snake should be eating a mouse or rat pup equal to their body size in girth. For example, if your snake is as big around as a dime, that is the approximate sized food item you should feed him. I would stick to this schedule until they are about a year old, feeding them this size once per week. Mine are on a different schedule where they eat 2 every 2 weeks. With the number of reptiles I keep, this makes it easier on me and seems to have no ill effects on the snakes.