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red tail boa feeding question

22 15:31:09


I have a red tail, i got her when she was about a foot and a half and have had her well over a year. She has always been a sociable snake but recently she has been much more reclusive.

After her last feeding she regurgitated which she has never done before. I waited about a week and a half and tried again using a smaller rat and she refused to eat which has never happened with her before.

I've had a ball python for about three years and ever year around now he routinely stops eating for several months so i have considered it normal for him but i am concerned about my red tails refusal following the regurgitation episode as well as her newly reclusive behavior. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks very much.

Hi Alyssa,

i would check your temperatures in the tank. unless you are on a thermostat your tank temperatures will more than likely have dropped since its wintertime and the air temperature is cooler. this will put off most snakes from feeding and can induce regurgitation.

your tank temperatures should be around 82-84F in the middle and a hotspot at one end of up to 95F for both of your snakes.

if the temperatures are fine and yet your boa continues to refuse/regurgitate food, i would take it to a vet to check to see if it might have internal parasites.

i hope this helps,
