Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > Burmese Python dies after eating

Burmese Python dies after eating

22 15:32:39

I have had my albino Burmese python for 12.5 years. I fed him 2 large rats on
Thu. Watched him eat the first one then left the area. Both rats and snake
appeared to be healthy. Both rats were large but he had eaten larger rats in
past (snake was almost 10 feet long). I came home Fri. only to notice a bad
smell in the house. When spraying the air freshner near the tank, noticed the
snake with mouth open, twisted funny and two rats regurgitated. Snake was
still limber and warm from heat rock. Rats were causing the smell from
decomposing. I am just curious if the rats could have been ill and caused
snakes death or was he just old and when he regurgitated the rats, did he
have a heart attack or something. Snake seemed to be in good health and
had eaten the same sized rats three weeks ago without incident. Just curious
as to what may have caused his death.

Hey Chris,

Its hard to say.
Did you watch your snake eat the rats? If so did it swallow one alive.

There is always a chance of a rat being knocked out and then waking in the snakw and biting an organ.

Did aanything happen to the temp in the tank that could have caused your snake to reguritate. When a snake reguritates it uses a lot of energy and this could have caused to much stress and killed it.

I am sorry to hear about your snake and hope you will get a new one.

Eric Rovegno