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My First Corn Snake

22 15:33:38

I've recently purchased a young albino corn snake,hatched 05/07/07,he is approx 20 cms long,his housing is 2ft  by 2ft tank and i have gone for the natural surroundings,retie bark etc,at one end of the tank is a heat mat under some moss which he spends most of his time under, and the other end is cooler,my question is why is he regurgitating his food,i fed him a small pinky mouse 2 days ago which he has partly brought back up again,and previous to that he regurgitated a whole pinky,im not sure if i have his tank at the right temp,his heat mat is at 85f but the rest of the tank feels quite alot cooler than that of the heat mat should the whole tank be at a certain temperature 90-95f? or just the heat mat? Many thanks,Liam.

The whole tank should be at about 82-84F. there should be a hide box at both ends of the tank if possible. Wrong temperatures are the most likely cause of regurgitation. If after checking/changing the temperature he still continuously regurgitates his food there may be another problem.  this could be parasites or a diesease of some form.

In this case it would be a good idea to take him to a vet to get him checked out as he may need a form of treatment.

thanks for your question,
