Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > I think i caused my ball python to stop eating by 24hr light.. How do i fix?

I think i caused my ball python to stop eating by 24hr light.. How do i fix?

22 15:37:33

My ball python has stopped eating i think it is due to him being in light 24 a day 7 days a week for a few months. If this is true how do i get him to eat again?  

Hi there, it sounds like the lighting has stressed your python. How long has he not been eating for? With a non feeding royal, it is important to NOT HANDLE the snake until it has started eating. Royals are prone to stress from handling. If you make sure your day and night cycle is right, make sure your temperatures are correct and controlled by a thermostat. What type of housing do you have for him?