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snakes do they ever eat humans?

22 15:37:41

A colleague told me that one of his mates was eaten by an annaconda, this worries me. Could he be correct that snakes can eat humans?! I'm particularly worried as my wife sugeested a trip to Borneo.

Keenly awaiting your answer,


Hello Callum,

Well snakes just don't go and eat people..

They eat animals for food.

Since Anacondas are the largest snakes in the world people like to try and hold them and mess with them in which this turns snakes into a defense mode and tries to attack..

But it's just like all wild animals if they feel threatened by a human they could attack..

I've done a lot of research and yes snakes can eat people but only if they felt threatened and it's very uncommon of hearing snakes eating people..
But Snakes just don't pop up and haves a desire to eat humans..

But you and your wife will be fine:)

Just stay away at a distance looking at animals:)

I hope this helps feel free to ask any more questions.