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Boa constrictor health

22 15:31:59

Hi, I've got a boa constrictor and noticed about mid-week that he's got a bump on the end of his nose, although I believe hat he has had this before with his previous owner and it went back down on its own it is bigger this time.  He also seems unable to close his mouth properly and has begun dribbling today.  I do not want to get him out of his tank at the moment as I have a bad cold and don't want to infect him, he hasn't been out since before I caught the infection.

hi Robyn,

This sounds like a respiratory infection.the open mouth is due to the fact that your snake is finding it hard to breathe because of excess mucus in his airways. you will need to take your snake to a vet to get treatment. in the meantime, check your temperatures as low temperatures are the common cause of respiratory illnesses. the temperatures should be 84F in the midle with a hot spot at one end of up to 95F

i hope this helps,
