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adult corn not feeding

22 15:29:29

Hi, I have a 3 and a half year old corn snake who up until the last few months was feeding regularly and looking healthy. Since the beginning of February he has been very difficult to encourage to eat and today he refused his food completely. I was feeding him 2 adult mice every 10 days, until he started to refuse them a few months ago. To try and keep him eating I went back down to hoppers and he seemed fine with these until about a 2 months ago when he started to refuse these too. He has only eaten one hopper in the last 3 weeks and hes starting to look worryingly thin. Please help, he has refused food before but he has never looked this emaciated.

Thank you in anticipation,


I was going to suggest that if your snake is indeed a male, that he is probably looking to breed. Males often go without food in the Spring. However, if he is looking emaciated I would suggest taking him to a vet. This could be a sign that he has an internal parasite that medication can cure.