Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > sudden death

sudden death

22 15:32:48

Hi. I have been looking after my brothers python for about 3 weeks now.
Everything has been going smoothly and i have been keeping everything from
the temp of the room, the lights, the feedings, etc. all scheduled, BUT I go to
turn the lights on this morning to find that the snake was dead! Since
yesterday was an all time high of 23 degrees (feeling like 40) i turned the
heater for the room off and made sure that it had some water... could it still
have overheated? Could there be any other explanation?
Thanks for your time.

Hi Dee,

Not sure if you have to temps wrote correctly. Ball Pythons need to have a heater either under the tank or above to help regulate the temp within the tank. This not to say that a temperature controlled room is not good, but a snake needs a hot spot to help thermoregulate itself.

Hope this helps.
Eri Rovegno