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my red tail boa

22 15:33:51

i have noticed lately that after i had my redtail boa treated for mites AGAIN she has contracted them again she seems to get them between 7-10 days after i feed her i believe it is coming from the live rats from the pet store how can i fix this and how can i treat her if possible without going to the vet because this is getting rediculous she has been to the vet 4 times for this issue in 2 months and every trip is well over 300 dollars if there is a way i can get rid of the mites my self and a way i can keep them away on a daily basis please let me know i have already bought a new tank and all new materials twice for her i bake the bedding for 25 minutes at 300 degrees and change water and disinfect her tank frequently am i just doing something wrong or is it possible it is coming from the rats and what can i do

Hey Daniel

I personally have NEVER heard of a case this bad. Neither had any of my coworkers. He wouldn't be getting the mites from the rats this doesn't leave much.

The best place I've found info on different ways to keep them under control is "What's Wrong with My Snake?" by John and Roxanne Rossi. They mention Sevin dust, which can be used on both the snake and the cage. It's too much to type out, so I suggest going down to the biggest book store if you have one (I got mine on Amazon).