Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > ive lost my corn snake

ive lost my corn snake

22 15:31:18

Yesterday i came home and went take out my snake only to find he wasn't anywhere to be seen. We don't know how he escaped considering the door of his cage was shut. Last year we had a different snake and it also escaped only we found it under the fridge cut open so had to be put-down. Last night we looked on this website and tried a few ideas such as laying flour down to see if he would leave a trail. We are worried as we are still unable to find him. Do you have any other suggestions please ?

Hi Janet,

lost snakes are incredibly difficult to find. they're sly and can fit into surprisingly small spaces.

the most likely place he will be hiding will be somewhere dark, warm and confined. you could try placing a food item such as a thawed mouse down and combine this with the flour to see if he leaves any marks which you can track. apart from this its down to luck really.

i certainly hope you find your snake and i hope this helps,
