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Corn Not Shedding/Very Agressive

22 15:33:15

i Recently Purchased a (what they told Me) 8 Month Old Amber corn snake on Feb,28th 2008. I first had him in a 10 gallon tank where it was extremly friendly. I Would Regulaly Take it Out and it would Wrap Around me and would never be a problem. About two weeks ago i switched him into a 20 Gallon Tank where he has become very agressive. In his 10 Gallon he would Sit on top of a Plant all day where i was able to see him, now in his 20 gallon he sits inside of the Same plant so he is not visible. I know there noc-ternal but just stating the changes in his behavior. When ever i go to pick him up he hisses at me. and when i dont back down and try to grab him he slithers his way into his cave. Yesterday i picked the cave up where he hissed at me again and i let him win that day by putting his cave back over him. Since i Got him he Hasnt Shed Once unless he ate it lol if that is even possible. He Looks Healthy and eats once every 7-10 days without a problem. i Have him on Frozen Pinkies. i Dont know what went wrong and im hoping you may be able to help me.

Hey Justin

The change in behavior might have to do with some insecurities about his new surroundings. It happens. He has to see that you are still the same person, and you are still running the show. Yes it means you might get bit, but most are not interested in doing harm.

From what you have said, it sounds like you feed him inside his viv. This could be part of the problem. Many snakes get their aggression from not knowing what is coming when you stick your hand in the viv. They don't know if they are getting picked up or fed. This can lead to them being snappy and irritable when they don't get what they expected. Get a container he can comfortable fit in for feeding. ANY time you feed him, take him out (Whether he likes it or not) and place him in there. Do not put him back in until he is finished. It will take awhile before he adjusts to this or patience in this case is a virtue. He is still young, so it shouldn't be too long before he starts chilling out again.

At 8 months, and the fact he hasn't shed since you got him, he is very much due for one. I wouldn't worry about it too much as long as his skin looks in great condition for about the next week. If he doesn't go into a shed cycle in that time, try putting a small box he can fit in with a hole in the side filled with either damp moss or papertowels. Put him in and let him find his own way out. Try doing this once a day to moisten him up and encourage a shed.