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Cloudy ball python eyes

22 15:26:26


   I sent you a question not too long ago, and thank you very much for your swift response.  I have another question now, if you would be so kind.
   It seems as though no matter how much research I do, my snake comes up with new ways to alarm me.  About 3-4 weeks ago, I noticed my snakes eyes clouding up.  It the crawled under its water dish, and didn't come out until tonight.  Actually, I had to coax it out of there; it didn't come out on its own.  I wasn't rough or anything, I just thought it was time to take a look at it and examine its overall health.  I noticed that its eyes were STILL cloudy!!!  Is this normal?  I always thought that the shedding cycle might take a couple of weeks, but it just seems like far too long.  It has had absolutely no shed, no retained skin, no nothing to indicate the shedding process other than the eyes being cloudy.  Maybe wintertime sheds take longer, or it may have to do with the humidity levels in the tank.  It's very dificult to get the humidity high enough...usually it's right around 40%.  However, this has never caused a delayed shed before.  She does have incomplete sheds, but I simply soak her in warm water and let her slither through my hands.  We get the retained skin off and all is well.  I'm probably a bit paranoid, but I waited 15 years to be able to have a snake, and it consumes a large part of my life (and my worries!)  At any rate, if you could shed some light on what gives, I would really appreciate it.

3-4 WEEKS is a long time.  I have a burmese python that has a permanently cloudy eye, maybe your snake has the same problem...  Is the eye cap cloudy (blue) or is the eye itself cloudy?  You might wanna run this one by a vet, especially since I can't see it.  Send a pic to me if you can.