Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Snakes > my crawl caye boa

my crawl caye boa

22 15:20:13

i have a dwarf crawl caye i tried feeding her sunday but she wasnt intersted i thought this was due to her haveing cloudy  eyes a sign of shedding but she hant shed amd her eyes are back to normal but the has done a really big poo  i tried to go see her she was very agressive but she wont eat still her viv is at the right temperature i have tried it all but nothing please help


Do you feed her outside of her enclosure? If not, I find this is the best way to feed snakes. I've had snakes that would not eat in their cage but once I removed them and put them into an empty box or container with their food, they would eat just fine. Let me know if you do this or not.